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Customer Satisfaction

Armstrong is a family owned and operated business that has valued customer satisfaction and superior customer service since incorporation.  Our owners, Don & Ken, are actively involved in every part of the business ensuring their customers are always put first, no matter the size or location of your tank, shop or construction site.  Periodically we like to receive feedback from our customers to let us know if we are meeting our goal of being the best fuel delivery company in the area.  Feel free to let us know how are we doing below:


For more information please visit

Tell us what you think.
How well has Armstrong met your fuel needs?
PoorlyNot so goodWellVery WellPerfectly
How likely are you to recommend Armstrong to a neighbour, friend or co-worker?
Rate UsNeverUnlikelyLikelyVery LikelyAll The TimeRate Us
Have you ever ran out of fuel while a customer of Armstrong?
Have you ever experienced a delivery problem with Armstrong?
Have you ever experienced a problem with the sales, billing or customer service departments at Armstrong?
Do you have any other feedback that you would like us to hear?

Thanks for submitting!

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